Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Get Along Little Doggies
Yippee ti yi yay...Howdy y'all!  Get riddy fer some fun tomorrow as we have us a western, fun-filled cowboy picnic.  Don't forget to bring your cow dud's so you can dress up at lunch.  Then take your treats to share and come on out for a rip roarin' howdy doodaw time with all the 5th grade class!  Bring your ma and pa along if you want to!  And don't forgit your cowboy poetry!   Yee haw!
Cowgirl Cardinal

Monday, May 21, 2012

Run Through the Finish Line
My sons run in track.  I notice that many runners, when finishing a 400 meter or 1600 meter event, slow down and stop on the finish line.  They probably gain at least a second in their time and that can be the difference between 1st and 2nd place.  I always tell my kids to run through the finish line and then slow down and stop.  Why am I telling you this?  I see this week as that last moment before the finish line.  We are 8 days away from the end of school.  We are not at the end of school.  I am not letting up this week at all.  I have high expectations for the 5th graders and am keeping them very busy.  We have more work to do.  Consider Field Day next Wednesday the finish line...and the two days after that the slow down and stop.  Then at 1PM on June 1st, you can gulp down the gatorade and stretch out on the grass, knowing you did your very best.  This week we have an essay to write, a math review test to take, and Latin to review.  I'm still filling heads with knowledge about history and the volume of prisms.  We even began reading a new book today.  We are going to sprint through the finish line.  Please don't expect to slow down until you've crossed it. 

Friday, May 18, 2012


"Ditto" means that I'd like to repeat what I last said.  You guys rock!  Your NWEA scores were terrific and I am so proud of you.  We'll keep up the pace for one more week and even read an entire book next week so don't let down your guard. 

I sent home District Writing Assessment scores this week.  If you didn't get it, first chide your 5th grader because you were supposed to see it.  Then please email me and I'll be sure to get the results to you.  I will send home NWEA scores with report cards on the last day of school. 

As the year winds down, I say meaningfully, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your wonderful child's life! 

Love, Mrs Cardinal